Crying it Out: It's Okay to Not Be Okay

Crying it Out: It's Okay to Not Be Okay
You know how sometimes the smallest things can bring tears to your eyes? Lately, that's been me—crying over everything from a sweet gesture from a friend to a touching scene in a reel on social media... and I'm usually feeling silly because of it. I've always been a bit of a sympathetic crier who tries to hide my tears, but these days, my emotions are right at the surface and hiding them has become impossible. Tears fall often, sometimes over minor things and sometimes because of bigger stuff. 

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by emotions and wondered if it's normal?

Why All the Tears?

With everything going on—losing my mom in June and now helping my husband, Eric, through his cancer treatments—I've been feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. It's like my emotional bucket is so full that even the tiniest extra drop will make it overflow. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by emotions and wondered if it's normal? I used to feel a bit embarrassed about crying so easily, especially over happy things, but now I'm beginning to see it as a natural response to all the stress and changes in my life. Totally normal. 

Happy Tears Are Still Tears

 Happy Tears Are Still Tears; a woman in tears as she receives compassion

Last week, a friend dropped off a Sheetz gas card to help pay for all of our travel to and from Pittsburgh for Eric's cancer treatments. I found myself tearing up, not out of sadness, but because of the sheer kindness and compassion she showed. And then, having our favorite oncologist walk into Eric's hospital room brought on the waterworks the other day. This doctor has been a great ally in Eric's fight... supporting us in using natural means of supporting wellness to supplement his conventional medicine over the last 6+ years. His hugs were the best medicine that day. It's funny how acts of love and compassion can hit you right in the feels, isn't it? 

These moments remind me of the good in the world, and sometimes, that emotional release is exactly what I need. They have also taught me something important about strength and vulnerability.

It's Okay Not to Be Okay

 It's Okay not to be okay; a woman trying to be strong and hide her tears

I used to think I had to keep it all together, to be the "strong" one who doesn't let much of anything get to her. No one wants to see you cry, right? But let's be real—that's exhausting! I'm learning that it's perfectly fine to not be okay all the time... and to let it show. Crying doesn't make us weak; it makes us human. By allowing myself to feel all the emotions—joy, sadness, frustration, gratitude—I'm giving myself the space to heal, even though I'm still going through this difficult time. 

The Role of Exhaustion and Overwhelm

 The Role of Exhaustion and Overwhelm; an emotional woman soaking in a relaxing bath

Being constantly on the go and dealing with heavy emotions can wear anyone down. I recognize that my frequent tears are partly due to physical and emotional exhaustion. Instead of pushing those feelings aside, I'm trying to acknowledge them. Taking a moment to rest, breathe, have a good cry, a catnap, or just sit with my thoughts and a cup of tea has been surprisingly therapeutic. Our bodies often tell us when to slow down and we usually listen. I'm learning that my emotions can send me that same message and I'm going to start listening better! I'm going to take the time I need, when I need it, to take care of myself. 

Finding Strength in Vulnerability

 Finding strength in vulnerability; an emotional woman being comforted by friends

What's interesting is that opening up about how I'm feeling has brought me closer to the people around me. When I share that I'm having a tough day or that I cried over something small, it often encourages others to open up too. After I mentioned to her that I'm feeling very emotional lately, a friend who is going through a rough patch of her own felt comfortable sharing her fears and struggles with me. Connecting and sharing our emotional loads somehow lightened the weights on both of our shoulders, at least for that day. There's a comfort in vulnerability—it connects us on a deeper level and reminds us that we're not alone in our struggles. 

I'm also finding that opening up helps people feel less at odds about what to do or say when they see me crying... they know that just being there with me is perfect - there's nothing more they need to do. 

Self-Care Through Emotional Release

Allowing myself to cry is like hitting a reset button for my emotions.

I've been doubling down on my self-care routines lately. Diffusing essential oils—Valor is my favorite right now—has been a game-changer. The calming scent helps me center myself and feel stronger when everything feels overwhelming. Meditative prayer and journaling/blog-writing have also become my lifelines, giving me space to process my thoughts and emotions. And let's not forget the healing power of a good nap, a long soak in a bath with magnesium flakes or Epsom salts + essential oils, or a hot shower! 

Allowing myself to cry is part of that self-care. It's like hitting a reset button for my emotions. Embracing all of these practices has better equipped me to handle whatever comes my way and to support Eric through his journey.

Embracing Imperfection Together

Let's give ourselves permission to feel, to cry, and to embrace the imperfect journey we're on. 

If you're finding yourself overwhelmed by emotions these days, know that you're not alone. It's okay to have moments where you don't feel strong, where the tears come easily, and where you just need a break. Life isn't about being perfect; it's about being authentic and connecting with others.

Let's give ourselves permission to feel, to cry, and to embrace the imperfect journey we're on. After all, it's these experiences that shape us into who we're meant to be.

Thanks for letting me share what's been on my heart. If any of this resonates with you, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Drop a comment below or send me a message—sometimes, a little connection makes all the difference.

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