Creating a Personal Sanctuary: Designing Spaces for Emotional Well-being

Creating a Personal Sanctuary: Designing Spaces for Emotional Well-being

Hey there, friends! It's been quite a journey lately, hasn't it? Between juggling the daily grind, family commitments, and everything in between, it's easy to feel overwhelmed

As part of my dive into supporting my emotional wellness, I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of having a personal space where we can retreat, recharge, and find a bit of peace amidst the chaos. Today, I want to share some tips on how to create a personal sanctuary at home—a space dedicated to nurturing our emotional well-being.

Importance of a Personal Sanctuary

Welcome sign

We all need a place where we can unwind and escape from the stressors of daily life. A personal sanctuary isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity for maintaining our emotional health. While my husband is recovering from his surgery, I realize just how essential it is to have a quiet space where we can both relax and focus on healing... both physical and emotional. This experience is highlighting to us the value of a designated area that promotes calm and comfort.

Design Tips for a Calming Environment

Creating a sanctuary at home doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. Here are some practical tips to help you design a space that nurtures your emotional well-being:

Choose Soothing Colors

Colors have a profound impact on our mood and emotions. For a calming environment, opt for soft, neutral tones like blues, greens, and earth tones. These colors are known to have a soothing effect and can help create a sense of tranquility. When we redecorated our living room, we chose a soft sage green paint for the walls, and it makes a huge difference in how relaxed we feel in the space.

Add Comfortable Furniture

Woman reading a book while lounging on comfortable furniture

Comfort is key when designing your personal sanctuary. Invest in comfortable furniture that invites you to sit back and relax. A cozy armchair, a soft throw blanket, and a few plush pillows can make all the difference. In our living room, we have big, comfy recliners that have become our go-to spots for reading and unwinding under a throw blanket after a long day. Serious question: can one ever have too many soft and cuddly throw blankets? 🤔

Minimize Clutter

A person organizing clutter into plastic bins

A cluttered space can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. Keep your sanctuary tidy and organized by finding storage solutions that work for you. Baskets, shelves, and storage ottomans are great for keeping things in order. Having a designated spot for everything helps keep the clutter at bay and makes the space feel more serene... this continues to be my Achilles heel and I'm determined to work on that! I feel like blogging about that might help keep me accountable as well as motivated... stay tuned! 

Incorporating Natural Elements

Bringing elements of nature into your personal sanctuary can enhance the calming effect and help you feel more grounded. Here are some ideas for incorporating natural elements into your space:



Houseplants not only add a touch of greenery but also improve indoor air quality and create a sense of calm. Plants like snake plants, peace lilies, and aloe vera are low-maintenance and thrive indoors. I’ve filled our home with various plants, and it’s amazing how much they brighten the space and boost our mood.

Natural Materials

Using natural materials in your decor can help create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Opt for wooden furniture, stone accents, and natural fibers like cotton, wool, and jute. These materials add texture and depth to your sanctuary, making it feel cozy and welcoming. A dining table made of reclaimed wood can become a central gathering place for family meals, conversations, and game nights. 

Water Features

The sound of running water can be incredibly soothing and help drown out background noise. Consider adding a small tabletop fountain or an aquarium to your sanctuary. 

Practicing Hygge for Ultimate Comfort

Hygge, a Danish concept that embodies coziness and comfortable conviviality, is perfect for creating a personal sanctuary. Here’s how to incorporate hygge into your space:

Warm Lighting

Hygge: Warm Lighting

Use soft, warm lighting to create a cozy atmosphere. String lights, table lamps, and floor lamps with warm bulbs can make your space feel inviting and comforting. Avoid harsh overhead lighting that can feel clinical and unwelcoming.

Cozy Textiles

Incorporate soft textiles like blankets, cushions, and rugs to add warmth and texture to your sanctuary. Natural materials like wool and cotton are perfect for creating a hygge-inspired space. We have a collection of soft throws and pillows that make our living room feel extra cozy. Again with the throw blankets?! 😁

Personal Touches

Old family photo album

Add personal touches that bring you joy and comfort, such as family photos, cherished mementos, and favorite books. These items make your sanctuary uniquely yours and remind you of happy moments and loved ones.

Setting the Stage for Aromatherapy

As you know, I’m a big fan of essential oils and their ability to enhance our emotional well-being. Creating a personal sanctuary is the perfect opportunity to incorporate aromatherapy into your daily routine. Here are some ways to use essential oils in your sanctuary:

Essential Oil Diffusers

Essential Oil Diffuser in a relaxing bedroom space

Diffusing essential oils is a simple and effective way to fill your sanctuary with calming scents. Lavender, chamomile, and bergamot are great options for promoting relaxation and reducing stress. I have a diffuser in our living room, and it’s become a nightly ritual to fill the room with soothing scents before we settle in for the evening.

DIY Room Sprays

You can easily make your own room sprays using essential oils and water. These sprays are great for freshening up your sanctuary and creating a calming atmosphere. I like to keep a lavender and eucalyptus spray on hand for a quick refresh whenever I need it.

Creating a personal sanctuary has been a game-changer for us, especially during this challenging time. While Eric is recovering from his surgery, having a peaceful space where he could rest and heal is invaluable. We spend many mid-Summer afternoons in the coolness of our living room, with those soft green walls, the comfort of our recliners, and the scent of lavender filling the air. It has become a haven for us, a place where we can escape from stress and focus on what truly matters.


Creating a personal sanctuary is a wonderful way to nurture your emotional well-being and find a sense of peace in your daily life. By choosing soothing colors, adding comfortable furniture, minimizing clutter, and incorporating natural elements, you can design a space that promotes relaxation and calm. And don’t forget to set the stage for aromatherapy, which can enhance the calming effect and help you feel even more grounded.

I encourage you to take some time this week to create your own personal sanctuary at home. It doesn’t have to be a big project; even small changes can make a big difference. Whether it’s a corner of your living room, a spot in your bedroom, or a cozy nook in your home office, having a dedicated space for relaxation and self-care is essential for maintaining your emotional health.

Read my recent blog about emotional wellness where I discussed overcoming overwhelm and finding balance here
Emotional Wellness: Overcoming Overwhelm and Finding Balance

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