Hi! I'm AJ Flanagan.

I'm a GenX empty-nester who stumbled upon a mind-blowing realization. Turns out, the stuff I grew up using—loaded with synthetic chemical toxins, endocrine disruptors, carcinogens, you name it—wasn't exactly doing wonders for me.

Our parents didn't know, and honestly, we were clueless too. But now, armed with this eye-opening info, I'm all about sharing the details.  Those sneaky chemicals have a way of catching up with us, right? Let's chat about it and work towards kicking that junk to the curb. Here's to a toxin-free journey and a healthier, happier us! 🌿✨

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I'm a GenX empty-nester who stumbled upon a mind-blowing realization. Turns out, the stuff I grew up using—loaded with synthetic chemical toxins, endocrine disruptors, carcinogens, you name it—wasn't exactly doing wonders for me.

Our parents didn't know, and honestly, we were clueless too. But now, armed with this eye-opening info, I'm all about sharing the details. Those sneaky chemicals have a way of catching up with us, right? Let's chat about it and work towards kicking that junk to the curb. Here's to a toxin-free journey and a healthier, happier us! 🌿✨

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Acne Treatment

Wintergreen, manuka and tea tree based maximum strength acne treatment helps clear acne blemishes, pimples, & blackheads.

Brightening Cleanser

Natural face wash with plumeria flower extract and pracaxi seed oil to address the appearance of uneven skin.

Luminous Cleansing Oil

Easily and gently remove makeup and other impurities with this blend of essential and carrier oils, including Rose and Ylang Ylang. Optionally follow with facial cleanser or facial wash for an extra level of cleanliness.

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Facial Scrub

Gently exfoliate and reveal radiant skin. Made with apricot seed powder, mango butter, peppermint oil, and more.

Kunzea Essential Oil

With properties and uses similar to Tea Tree oil but with a gentler sensation, Kunzea oil may help reduce the appearance of blemishes.

Brightening Essence

Leave your skin feeling refreshed and radiant with this moisture-infusing refining gel.

Facial Cleanser

Infused with skin-loving essential oils, supports healthy glowing skin by washing away impurities with a soft, gentle lather.

Beauty Masque

A premium, orchid-based formula designed to soothe skin and leave it feeling healthier and more radiant. Suitable for all skin types.

Light Moisturizer

Helps your skin retain and maintain proper hydration. With five essential oils and other natural ingredients, your face will feel soft and supple, preparing your canvas like a beautiful work of art.

Refreshing Toner

Use after facial wash to gently remove impurities without over drying.

Brightening Cream

Use morning and night to balance and brighten skin tone with sophisticated, plant-based ingredients.

Renewal Serum

An intricate blend of exotic orchids petals and essential oils that helps protect and revitalize skin, working in harmony to deeply nourish and hydrate the face.

Brightening Lotion

Antioxidant-based lightweight formula helps brighten and moisturize your skin.


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Support your body the natural way with this all-natural, over-the-counter, maximum strength cough suppressant and topical analgesic ointment.

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Protect your skin without chemicals with this all natural formula. Available in SPF 10 and SPF 50!

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We are more than just the world's best essential oils. We go beyond green to help you create a healthy, healing home environment.

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Blog Updates from AJ Flanagan

Positivity Hacks for GenXers: Thriving Amid Life's Challenges

Positivity Hacks for GenXers: Thriving Amid Life's Challenges
In a rapidly changing world, maintaining a positive mindset is crucial for navigating through life's challenges, particularly for GenerationX. This group has experienced significant shifts in culture, technology, and society, making it essential to adopt a solution-focused and optimistic outlook. Despite facing stressors and pressures, focusing on positivity can lead to a more fulfilling life.

Falling into negativity is easy, especially when confronted with global issues that feel beyond our control, such as political turmoil and the dominance of large corporations in sectors like pharmaceuticals and agriculture. However, we possess the power to choose our response to these challenges. By engaging in local community initiatives, educating ourselves and others, and making informed choices about our health and the food we consume, we can reclaim some control and contribute positively to our surroundings.

Adopting natural wellness practices offers a pathway to managing health challenges, from stress and anxiety to digestive issues and sleep problems. Solutions such as aromatherapy, mindfulness, a balanced diet, and regular exercise can significantly improve one's well-being. Meanwhile, professional growth and career satisfaction can be enhanced by continuous learning, networking, and exploring new opportunities that align with personal passions and goals. Through these proactive steps, embracing positivity enables individuals to navigate life's uncertainties with resilience and optimism, paving the way for a brighter future.

Behind GenX's Snark: The Cultural Forces That Shaped Our Humor

Behind GenX's Snark: The Cultural Forces That Shaped Our Humor
GenXers are known for their signature snarky humor, a blend of witty quips, clever wordplay, and a healthy dose of sarcasm, developed as a coping mechanism and a form of entertainment during their formative years. This unique brand of humor has its roots in the cultural and media landscape of the 70s, 80s, and 90s, including influence from sitcoms, movies, and the rise of consumer culture, which helped shape their cynical perspective. Sitcoms and movies of the time, like "Seinfeld" and "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," alongside music from bands like The Clash and Talking Heads, reinforced questioning authority and finding humor in everyday absurdities.

The advent of the digital age further amplified this snarky humor, with platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and memes providing a vast playground for expressing and sharing their sarcastic viewpoints. Social media has not only been a platform but also a megaphone for this generation, allowing them to broadcast their humor, find like-minded individuals, and navigate the world's absurdity together.

This unique form of humor serves as a shield and a survival tool for GenXers, born out of cultural quirks, historical shifts, and a deep-seated skepticism towards the establishment and mainstream narratives. It is a reflection of resilience and an intrinsic part of their identity, offering a means to smile through chaos and make life's absurdities a bit more bearable.

Empty Nest, Full Life: 8 Reasons GenX Masters Life After Kids

Empty Nest, Full Life: 8 Reasons GenX Masters Life After Kids
Generation X, born between 1965 and 1980, is transforming their empty nests into launch pads for new adventures, leveraging a diverse set of skills and attitudes honed from unique experiences. Their resilience, cultivated amid economic fluctuations and significant societal shifts, prepares them to navigate the solitude of post-parenting years with flexibility and resourcefulness. Whether it's adapting to new family dynamics or embracing the digital age early on, this generation applies these qualities to enrich their lives and homes in meaningful ways.

As digital pioneers appreciative of both analog charm and modern convenience, Gen X strikes a perfect balance between staying connected and enjoying simplicity. Their tech savvy, paired with a nostalgia for tangible pleasures like vinyl records, allows them to embrace the quiet of the empty nest phase while remaining engaged in the world. This blend of old and new enriches their lives, keeping them grounded yet forward-looking as they explore hobbies and reconnect with themselves.

Gen X's independent spirit, sharpened by their latchkey kid days, fosters a comfort with solitude and a drive for self-initiated projects, from gardening to music. This same spirit enables them to pivot in their careers and relationships, finding new passions and rediscovering companionship with partners. Their adeptness at balancing work-life commitments and a newfound focus on the present moment helps them make the most of this dynamic stage, proving that for Generation X, life can indeed begin anew at any stage.

Aging with Attitude: Celebrating GenX

Aging with Attitude: Celebrating GenX
Embracing the journey of aging for GenXers involves a self-aware celebration of their unique place in history—navigating from the simplicity of mixtapes to the complexity of digital evolution with both grace and a touch of rebellious flair. They've cultivated an art of indifference towards societal expectations, embracing their authentic selves with a confidence that only comes from decades of experience. This generation wears their seasoned wisdom as a badge of honor, turning nostalgia into a powerful reminder of their resilience and adaptability through the rapidly changing world.

GenX has seamlessly merged their analog past with the digital present, becoming tech-savvy masters who debunk the myth that technology is solely a young person's game. Along with this digital dexterity, they've adopted a healthier approach to life, seeing fitness and wellness as their new rebellion against the passage of time. Their style evolution reflects a balance between comfort and edginess, proving that maturity does not equate to a loss of individuality but rather an enhancement of it.

At the heart of GenX aging is the deepening of relationships and the cultivating of wisdom that comes with life's trials and triumphs. This generation cherishes genuine connections, valuing quality over quantity in their social circles. As they pass their legacy of cool to the next generations, they redefine what it means to age gracefully—showing that true style, confidence, and coolness know no age limit. GenX's approach to aging is not just about growing older but about celebrating the journey with wit, wisdom, and a soundtrack that’s as timeless as they are.

Fitness Flashback: Adapting Childhood Games for Adult Exercise

Rediscover the joy of movement by weaving the pure, unadulterated fun of childhood games into your current fitness routines. These activities, from the thrilling sprints in a game of tag to the agility challenges of hopscotch, not only promise high-intensity workouts but also an emotional boost reminiscent of those carefree days. By transforming playground staples like Capture the Flag and Dodgeball into adult exercise formats, we can breathe new life into our workouts, making them both enjoyable and effective.

Incorporating games like Jump Rope, Kickball, and even a fitness-oriented version of Simon Says can elevate your cardiovascular health, flexibility, and coordination in a playful yet powerful way. Each game is adaptable to solo or group settings, making it easy to include friends in your fitness journey. Whether it's through a rigorous game of tag, an agility-boosting hopscotch routine, or a strategic Capture the Flag session, there are endless possibilities to make exercising feel less like a chore and more like a cherished pastime.

The essence of blending childhood games with adult fitness goals lies in its ability to make staying active a sustainable and enjoyable part of our lives. Challenge yourself to reimagine these games as part of your workout regimen and share your experiences to inspire others. Let's create a community where fitness is synonymous with fun, leveraging our nostalgia for childhood play to foster a love for movement in our everyday lives.
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